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Smiling girl with headphones giving the peace sign with her fingers

Pre-Teens & Teenagers 

Build Confidence, Make Friends, and Handle Academic Challenges

Middle school and high school hit neurodivergent people hard:

  • Self-criticism, anxiety, depression, isolation, and avoidance behaviors increase.​ 

  • The social world at school is becoming more complex, judgmental, and even harsh.  Pre-teens and teenagers may spend a lot of time alone or online because they don't have an in-person peer group that feels safe.​

  • The academic demands of school are increasing. Difficulties with focus, time management, organization, and planning often cause grades to plummet.​

  • Kids who used to take pride in their creativity, intelligence, or other gifts begin to give up on themselves.

  • Parents may be increasingly worried about their young person's isolation and anxiety.  At the same time, parents may feel frustrated that their pre-teen or teenager doesn't seem to be taking their responsibilities seriously or living up to their potential.  This frustration might be even higher if their young person disappears into endless hours of gaming or online activity. 


Whether individually or in a small group, we cover topics including:


Planning for After High School.  "What do you want to be when you grow up?" is a fun question at five, but becomes an increasingly anxiety-provoking topic in the teen years. Questions we focus on include:  Should I work during the summers?  If so, how do I find and keep a job? What about after high school - should I go directly into the workforce, go to trade school, or go to college?  Many individuals pair individual support with participation in a group, which helps build confidence and communication skills.


Executive Function. Executive Function (EF) challenges are common for neurodivergent people. These often show up as trouble getting started, difficulty staying focused and completing work, as well as challenges with planning and time management. We focus on strategies to maximize EF skills.


Embracing Neurodivergence and Learning to Self-Advocate. Understanding neurodivergence and how to self-advocate is critical for long-term success. Masking (hiding neurodivergent traits to fit in) is exhausting and damaging. Instead, we focus on being the best version of ourselves. 


Friends and Family. We focus on understanding what it takes to build and maintain friendships, learning how to navigate anxiety in social situations, and improving communication with family members. 


Purpose. A sense of purpose comes from being connected with things greater than one's self. For some people, this comes through creative or intellectual pursuits such as art, writing, or a focus on a specific interest. For others, a sense of meaning comes from making the world a better place. We work together to build meaningful activities into daily life.


Sensory Sensitivities. Neurodivergent people react to sensory stimuli differently than neurotypical people.  Loud noises may feel unbearable.  Sensitivity to texture or taste may result in eating a limited range of foods. Difficulty with temperature regulation can make a hot room or the entire season of summer miserable.  We talk about why sensory sensitivities exist and how to navigate them. 


The Nuts and Bolts of Independent Living. Other goals we often work on include the practical details of life. These can include hygiene (showers & brushing teeth are common challenges), handling household responsibilities, managing money, transit options, making doctor's appointments, and the other routine things we all need to do in life.


Location: Online anywhere, or in-person in Reno, Nevada.
Cost: Group $50-75/session, Individual $100-200/session

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